Media » Media

Spanish companies the most optimistic in Europe

Spanish companies expect recent strong growth to continue over the coming 12 months, according to the latest Business Outlook survey. Sentiment regarding output is unchanged from the start of the year, reflecting further optimism around new order receipts.  » más


Las compras online crecen significativamente en España

Poco a poco el comercio electrónico comienza a despertar en España aunque, todavía, la tienda física sigue siendo el canal de compra preferido por los consumidores. Esta es una de las principales conclusiones del informe "Total Retail 2017", elaborado por PwC.  » más


Catalan technology exports hit their highest figure since 2008

Catalan high technology products exports showed a 21% year on year growth rate in the first quarter, rising to a total of 1.873,2 million euros. This is the highest recorded figure since 2008, according to Idescat. This category includes pharmaceuticals, computers and electronic and optical components for aircraft and spacecraft. In terms of destination countries for these products, sales grew especially in the EU (28%), but also worldwide (14%).  » más