Noticias de los Socios » Noticias de los Socios » EVENT: FUNDS OPPORTUNITIES IN #EUROPE



  • Agregado 05 junio 2017
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From Euro-Funding, we would like to invite you to the day to be held on 12 June at the headquarters of the Lewiatan under the title: Funds opportunities in #Europe. We will talk about the options that polish companies have to transform research into market possibilities.

Throughout the day we will have the participation of Marta Krutel, expert / coordinator - H2020: SME Instrument and Fast Track to Innovation and from Euro-Funding Guillermo Lopez, Operations Director European Projects and Joanna Tytz Technical Manager.


The main objective of this event is to provide the attendees with a practical knowledge of great added value, differentiating themselves from other resources on H2020 in that it is intended to transmit not only the official and theoretical information about the programs and their operation, but also information that is not written, such as by practical difficulties that can be expected in each of the programs, real examples of preparation of proposals, preparation of budgets, etc.


El evento durará de 10:00h a 12:30h y al finalizar se ofrecerá la opción a todos los asistentes de mantener sesiones de 10 minutos hasta las 14:00h de presentación de ideas individuales con un técnico de Euro-Funding.


The event will be from 10:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and at the end of the event there will be possibility to have 10 minutes of individual sessions for validating the of ideas with a Euro-Funding technician. Please contact with for booking your meeting.




An event of:


With the participation of: