Institute El Lago from Spain is searching for companies to participate in our student internship program for this March 2022 » Anuncios » Otros » Institute El Lago from Spain is searching for companies to participate in our student internship program for this March 2022

We are a state (public) polytechnical vocational training college in Madrid which provides on-site courses where students can earn EQF level 5 and 4 degrees, within the following professional areas:

•                 Management and Administration.

•                 Trading and Marketing.

•                 Information and Communications Technologies.


We are actively engaged in the Erasmus+ Program, providing training placements abroad for our students, and hosting students from other European countries in our courses. We are also interested in short exchanges of teaching staff with other VET of Higher Education Institutions from within the European Union.


Currently, we are searching for internship positions for our students. Spanish educational system requires that a student stays in a company at least 370 hours (typically, ten weeks) to earn a professional degree. This practising period is located at the end of their training program, after a year and a semester spent at the school. Therefore, students have already passed their in-school training subjects and are prepared to enter the labour market.


Because this internship is required for students to complete their course, participation is free of economical transactions; neither the company nor the institutions need to pay anything. Regarding insurance, students will continue to be recognized as students. Their expenses will be covered either by an Erasmus+ grant or through their own resources. The hosting company´s responsibility will be to place the student in a position within the field of their studies and to treat him/her as a company employee.


The Spanish Administration requires that a written contract be signed by both the hosting company and the sending school. This contract, titled the Learning Agreement, states the learning outcomes of the student after their internship period.


In case you are interested, please contact us:

Tel. (+34) 91 479 68 51

Paseo del Ángel s/n. 28011 Madrid


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